Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Sing Like You Think No One's Listening

You Won't Know - Brand New

This album by Brand New is one of my favorites. It is incredibly pensive and slow building with incredible climaxes. This song is a perfect example of their amazing lyrics and absolutely awesome guitar riffs. I saw them play their song "Limousine" live. He wrote it about a car accident that happened in his neighborhood and came out to see this mother holding her daughter's decapitated head in her arms. From that point on, hearing that song has given me chills. This album is a must listen to.

About A Girl - The Academy Is...

This is a catchy song by a Fueled By Ramen band. Very fun and the right song to uplift the somber mood of the last track.

Living Together - Circa Survive

This is another band that has more challenging melodies and incredible rock sounds. They always come to mind when I think of Brand New. Also, the singer of this band is Anthony Green who is one of my favorites. He used to sing for Saosin and several other bands, as well as his solo project.

Warm Me Up - The Audition

Catchy poppy rock song. Fun times.

Existentialism On Prom Night - Straylight Run

This emotionally driven song features the piano and is a great song for when you need to feel nostalgic.

Broadcast 2000 "get up and go" Full from Jordan Clarke on Vimeo.

Very cool music video with vibrant colors and a cool track.

In other news. I've decided to add descriptions of the songs, with whatever I feel like saying. Also, if you click on the ads, I get paid for this now. So, feel free.

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