Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Ma Mémoire S'enivre

See These Bones - Nada Surf weird video
Que N'ai-Je? - Keren Ann listen
Chimera Obscurant - The Velvet Teen listen
Hey Now - Augustana listen
Cathedrals - Jump, Little Children listen

I've decided to add links to these songs so that you can go and listen to them yourself. Feel free to let me know what you're currently into, the whole point of this is so that I can remember what music I think is worth listening to. Also, let me know if any of these links stop working for you.

The Nada Surf video, like most of these, is just some video I found on YouTube that's playing the song I'm talking about. I assume that YouTube will take these down eventually, but I don't really know. I guess my Nelly Fur-Tado video is still up, they just put an ad up when you watch it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Karen Ann is one of my top 5 vocalists. She's great live, especially while sipping on martinis at the Triple Door.

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